Thursday, March 8, 2012

Reading Log

Title: Bones of Makaidos

Author: Bryan Davis

Pages Read: 102-207

Days Read:

Monday 15 min

Tuesday 15 min

Wednesday15 min

Thursday 15 min


1) In this new world, the most complex of problems with the simplest solutions.

"That is easily solved." The girl knelt down and pried off the top of the hourglass. Then, looking up at Bonnie and Sapphira with a coy grin, scooped a handful of sand and poured it into the top half. "There," she said, pushing the top back in place. "The sand will not run out soon." (Davis 118)

"Do not be dismayed. In this realm, solutions to problems are not what you would expect." (118)

Bonnie and Sapphira are in an alternate realm and they are attempting to get Bonnie's father to go to Abaddon before the sand runs out, yet Bonnie nor Sapphira see's the simple ways to solve their problems. When they meet 'The Maid' she shows them, that in this place, their problems are no matter, as long as you could come up with a solution worthy of a preschooler.

2) The process of become a statue and eventually an ovullum is a painful process.

"As the flames reached his waist, he lifted his arms, grimancing at the heat." (206)

"His suffering is great, but it is only temporary." (207)

"Her father is suffering so much! And there was nothing she could do about it. Nothing." (207)

When you become an ovulum, you first have to become a statue, then once and elixer is dropped on you, you become the little egg shaped ovulum. It is extremely painful because they have to catch fire and as it climbs up them, make their commitment to Abaddon promising to do what they are called to do. Even when the are turned into the ovulum the suffering is not over, and the pain continues.

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