Thursday, March 29, 2012

Double Reading Log

Title: The Bones of Makaidos

Author: Bryan Davis

Pages Read: 325-525

Days Read:

Monday 15 min

Tuesday 15 min
Wednesday 15 min

Thursday 15 min

Friday 15 min

Saturday 15 min

Sunday 15 min

Monday 15 min

Tuesday 15 min

Wednesday 15 min

Thurdsay 15 min


1) The town, protected by glass is practically invinsible.

"Clefspeare swung his tail and whipped the partition. A loud thwap rocked Billy's ear drums. Although the glass shimmered slightly, it showed no sign of cracking." (Davis 328)

"Clefspeare launched into the air and flew in a wide circle, gaining altitude with every second. When he turned back toward the window, Billy pushed Acaicia behind him and, taking a deep breath, blew a narrow stream of fire at the target. The flames bounced to each side and spilled to the ground, melting the surrounding snow.

"He slid to the ground to give Clefspeare room to attack. As he took another breath, a volley of flames rocketed out of the sky and blasted the same spot. Billy added his jet again. With steam rising and water streaming at their feet, he glanced at Shiloh. Bouncing on her toes, she folded her hands at her chest, the bloody bandage obvious over her stub of a finger.

"Seconds later, Clefspeare stormed through the fire, his wings now folded, slammed the side of his body into the partition. With a thunderous smack, he bounced to the side and slid through the snow. The wall trembled for a moment but quickly settled down." (330)

This glass wall is practically invinsible because Clefspeare is a large dragon and he packs a 'powerful punch' and then plus the firepower of the draagon, fire breathing boy (Billy), and Oracle of Fire (Acacia), they should be able to take it down. Right? Well, this wall is pretty tough and it takes alot more then having Clefspeare wack it with his powerful tail or ram into it with a surge of flames. This wall that is blocking Shiloh from her friends has proven to be a tough wall.

2) The town Shiloh was in and the glass wall was a portal.

"As they approached Acacia again, the entire wall dissolved, and the fire dropped to the ground like a burning curtian. Her flames ceased, and she stumbled and fell into Shiloh's arms." (333)

"As soon as Clefspeare landed, Billy jumped down. Sliding in the snow, he dashed toward Shiloh and Acacia, but the scene vanished before he could get there. They were gone." (333)

With the three of them (Billy, Clefspeare, and Acacia) all shooting fire around the glass wall surrounding the town, they managed to open the portal, thus bring down the wall. But, portals have to go somewhere and that one happened to dissapear, with both Acacia and Shiloh, and they do not know where the portal leads to. That is why the town was a portal.

3) There rumors traveling that speak of doubts about Elam.

"Some believe that Elam is unqualified. First he is a foreigner and does not understand our ways. Second, he seemed to force Angel to li. Why would he do that? Third, he commanded the singing girl to change the words to her song, and that brought the giants and the evil dragon into our world. Now our great prophet is gone, we have strange weather that paralyzes is, and a constant threat looms beyond this fiery wall and it seems that each one of these problems can be attributed to-" (338)

The other villagers are questioning their new leaders credibility because he has done some questionable looking things and that cause people to raise suspicions about him. In real life, he was told to come to Second Eden and he was ordered by Abraham to become the leader. Also, Angel begged him to change the words, for she thought she could get her husband back. Her husbands name was Dragon and someone tricked her into believing that by changing the words, she could bring him back from the dead. And after all of this chaos, they are all thinking that the source of it is their 'newfound' leader Elam.

4) Flint is plotting against Elam's army.

"Someone smuggled in soil from the resurrrection garden along with one of the bones of Makadios, and Flint now has a resurrection garden. Scince Goliath was once in a place called the Valley of Souls, and calling him out of there allowed him to rise in the garden, he deduced that we could resurrect others who reside in that realm simply by energizing the bone and calling for the resident to come forth. Goliath learned that I was carrying an unborn youngling when I died, though I did not know it myself, and it seems that he discovered this youngling's existence in the Valley of Souls. He likely also learned what kind of fire was necessary to energize the bone, and he reproduced it with his own breath." (412)

Flint has sent a spy to the 'good sides' ressurection garden to take one of the bones and a bit of the soil so that they can call people from the Valley of Souls for their benifit as well. You see, the 'bad side' is more powerful because they have greater forces. But they do not have the motivation. They are simply fighting because they fear Flint and what he could do to them, and what he has done to others. They do not have purpose, and that is their main flaw. The 'good side' has motivation and a cause and that has allowed them to fight back strong enough to 'still be in the game.' Elam's army also has stong forces dragon wise, but they do not even compare to Flint's creature and human army. But the 'good side' has the advantage of motivation, and so Flint thinks that he can make up for this in getting more forces and conspiring against the 'good  side'

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Reading Log

Title: Bones of Makaidos

Author: Bryan Davis

Pages Read: 207-325

Days Read:

Sunday 15 min

Monday 15 min

Tuesday 15 min

Wednesday 15 min

Thursday 15 min


1) The Vacants hurt Listener.

"Still on his knees, the Vacant thrust his spear again, this time through Listener's arm and into her ribcage." (Davis 214)

Billy, Acaida and Listener were all walking throught the woods, and they were ambushed by a load of Vacants. One of the Vacants got Acaida and then lauched at Listener, and jammed his spear into Listeners side.

2) Enoch is plotting something.

"It is time to plan," he said, gesturing toward an old table and the benches on either side. (319)

Enoch, Naamah and Karen are all planning a way to get into Second Eden, by opening a portal. But this will be a difficult task, so they called in help from Professor Hamilton. They want to get to Sechnd Eden in order to help win the brewing war. Enoch is plotting how they can get into this alternate realm.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Reading Log

Title: Bones of Makaidos

Author: Bryan Davis

Pages Read: 102-207

Days Read:

Monday 15 min

Tuesday 15 min

Wednesday15 min

Thursday 15 min


1) In this new world, the most complex of problems with the simplest solutions.

"That is easily solved." The girl knelt down and pried off the top of the hourglass. Then, looking up at Bonnie and Sapphira with a coy grin, scooped a handful of sand and poured it into the top half. "There," she said, pushing the top back in place. "The sand will not run out soon." (Davis 118)

"Do not be dismayed. In this realm, solutions to problems are not what you would expect." (118)

Bonnie and Sapphira are in an alternate realm and they are attempting to get Bonnie's father to go to Abaddon before the sand runs out, yet Bonnie nor Sapphira see's the simple ways to solve their problems. When they meet 'The Maid' she shows them, that in this place, their problems are no matter, as long as you could come up with a solution worthy of a preschooler.

2) The process of become a statue and eventually an ovullum is a painful process.

"As the flames reached his waist, he lifted his arms, grimancing at the heat." (206)

"His suffering is great, but it is only temporary." (207)

"Her father is suffering so much! And there was nothing she could do about it. Nothing." (207)

When you become an ovulum, you first have to become a statue, then once and elixer is dropped on you, you become the little egg shaped ovulum. It is extremely painful because they have to catch fire and as it climbs up them, make their commitment to Abaddon promising to do what they are called to do. Even when the are turned into the ovulum the suffering is not over, and the pain continues.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Reading Log

Book Title: The Bones of Makaidos

Author: Bryan Davis

Pages: 0-102

Days Read:

Monday 15 min

Tuesday 15 min

Wednesday 15 min

Thurdsay 15 min


1) Shiloh was kidnapped by a group of mysterious strangers.

"Vlad pulled a dagger from his belt and pressed the tip to Shiloh's chin. "Get moving."

"As Shiloh climbed the rubble, Nolan lowered the barrel. "Now that we have what we came here for, the rest of you stay here for ten minutes. Then you are free to go." (Davis 48)

Everyone was hiding in the mines determining what to do, when a large gang of people, armed with guns and daggers burst in firing there guns asking for Bonnie(who possesses wings). But, Shiloh and Bonnie are cousins, therefore look a LOT alike. So they dress alike in case something like this were ever to happen. They do not want anyone finding Bonnie for because of her difference, that could put her in danger. Bonnie most times hides her wings in a backpack that she wears. Shiloh has an identical backpack, so they can be easily mistaken. Shiloh said that she was Bonnie, in order to protect her cousin in hope that one day, she shall find Billy(her boyfriend) again. So, Shiloh sacrificed herself and was taken away by a group of mysterious strangers.

2) Walter is REALLY hurt.

"She and Steadfast both had hands inside a deep gash in Walters chest." (Davis 60)

"Ashley poked the needle into Walter's artery and began stitching around it. Apparently the Vacant's spear had sliced through it, and now she had to splice the loose ends together." (Davis 61)

When Walter and Billy were going to the summit of Mt. Elijah they ran into some Vacants(creatures from Second Eden.) and while they were fighting them off, a Vacant stuck a spear into Walter's chest. That injury cut through some of his veins and arterys and nearly cut through his lung. Ashley and Steadfast (Second Eden's two doctors) were trying to stitch them back together so that Walter will not loose more blood and die.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Reading Log

Book: Crossed

Author: Ally Condie

Pages: 0-114


Friday 15 min

Saturday 15 min

Sunday 15 min

Monday 15 min

Tuesday 15 min

Wednesday 15 min


1) Ky is always thinking of Cassia.

Ky's point of view.
"The arrow of this compass is locked into place. No spinning. No alteration. Like with me and Cassia. Locked on with one idea, one thing in the sky. One truth to hold to when everything else falls to dust around me."

Ky has carved a compass to represent the one he left with Cassia. The difference is, this one is carved out of stone, so the needle does not move, and only points north. Ky relates this to his an Cassia's relationship, because even though they are so far apart, they still have that same idea running through their head. Because that idea is always running through Ky's head, he is always thinking of Cassia.

2) Cassia wants to know how Ky is.

Cassia's point of view.
"I close my eyes again,wishing I could see Ky's face flash in front of me. But every image I conjure lately seems incomplete, blurring in different places. I wonder where Ky is now, what is happening to him, if he managed to hang onto the scrap of green silk I gave him before he left."

Cassia is currently in the outer provinces while Ky is fighting in the war, and she wishes to know how he is. Before Ky was taken from his home unwillingly, Cassia slipped him a green patch of silk from the dress she wore to her matching cerimony. She is wondering if in all of the chaos, he managed to keep it. She also wants to know if he survived so far. Overall, she wants to know how he is.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Reading Log

Book: Matched

Author: Amy Condie

Pages: 148-251

Saturday: 15 min

Sunday: 15 min

Monday: 15 min

Tuesday: 15 min

Wednesday: 15 min

Thursday: 15 min


1) Xander still thinks there is hope.

"I came up on the screen, too, Cassia," he says quietly. "But he was the one you chose to see." And then as quick as a player making his last move, he turns away and pushes through the doors. Leaving me behind.

Cassia has just told Xander, her match, that she believes that she is falling in love with an Aberration named Ky Markram. Both Xander and Ky are in love with Cassia, but Xander did not know about Cassia and Ky's little affair. Ky's Aberration status means that he cannot be married. But, the Society made a 'mistake' and Ky's face popped up on her microcard. So, Cassia is falling for Ky and just broke the news to Xander. But, Xander believes that he can still win Cassia over if he tries hard enough.

2) The Society made Ky's face pop up on Cassia's microcard on purpose.

"We decided to put Ky in the matching pool," she says. "Now and then we do that with Aberrations, simply to gather additional data and watch for variation. The general public doesn't know about it; there's no reason they should. What's important for you to know that we were in control of the experiment all along."

The Society conducted an experiment using Ky and Cassia, for they knew that they were compatable. They told Ky that if he was in the matching pool, he would be with Cassia. They then allowed Cassia to ponder the fact that the match progrm could be wrong by making his face pop up on her microcard. Once they both knew that there was a possibility the Society put them in the same hiking group and made them hiking partners so that they could see the pairs reaction. Ky and Cassia both fell in love and were not allowed to, because of Ky's Aberration status. The Society put Ky's face on Cassia's microcars because they wanted to see the reactions of the two that were in love but not allowed to be, to see how far that they would go for love.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Reading Log

Book: Matched

Author: Ally Condie

Pages Read: 0-148

Days Read:

Sunday: 15 min

Monday: 15 min

Tuesday: 15 min

Wednesday: 15 min


1)  Having un-approved writing is dangerous.

     "His fingers tremble; whether it is from the end of his life drawing do close, I do not know. I want to help him, but I can tell this is something that he must do himself.
     It doesn't take long for him to read the paper, and when he's finished, he closes his eye. An emotion crosses his face that I cannot read. Something deep.
     Then he opens his bright, beautiful eyes and looks straight at me while he folds the paper back up. 'Cassia. This is for you. It is even more precious than the compact.'
     'But it's so--'  I stop myself before I can say the word dangerous." (Condie 62)

Cassia's Grandfather gives her a compact with a secret compartment in it that has poems written on it, poems that are not in the Hundred Poems which is a list of one-hundred poems that have been approved by the government. Anything besides what is on that list is illegal, or dangerous. If you are caught with any, then you will commit an infraction, and that would shame your whole family into becoming an abnerration, and your children whe comes time to be Matched, a single and have no match. Cassia reconises the danger and wants to destroy it for she will not shame her family.

2) Cassia is beggining to have second thoughts about Xander.

"Even though I know I am falling for Ky it is impossible not to love Xander for everything he is and everything he does." (Condie 138)

Cassia knows that Xander is her match but ever scince Ky Markham popped up on her microcard she has wondered. She knows that it cannot be, for Ky is a abnerration and therefore a single, for his father commited an infraction. But she cannot help but have a reconsideration.