Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Reading Log

Book Title: The Bones of Makaidos

Author: Bryan Davis

Pages: 0-102

Days Read:

Monday 15 min

Tuesday 15 min

Wednesday 15 min

Thurdsay 15 min


1) Shiloh was kidnapped by a group of mysterious strangers.

"Vlad pulled a dagger from his belt and pressed the tip to Shiloh's chin. "Get moving."

"As Shiloh climbed the rubble, Nolan lowered the barrel. "Now that we have what we came here for, the rest of you stay here for ten minutes. Then you are free to go." (Davis 48)

Everyone was hiding in the mines determining what to do, when a large gang of people, armed with guns and daggers burst in firing there guns asking for Bonnie(who possesses wings). But, Shiloh and Bonnie are cousins, therefore look a LOT alike. So they dress alike in case something like this were ever to happen. They do not want anyone finding Bonnie for because of her difference, that could put her in danger. Bonnie most times hides her wings in a backpack that she wears. Shiloh has an identical backpack, so they can be easily mistaken. Shiloh said that she was Bonnie, in order to protect her cousin in hope that one day, she shall find Billy(her boyfriend) again. So, Shiloh sacrificed herself and was taken away by a group of mysterious strangers.

2) Walter is REALLY hurt.

"She and Steadfast both had hands inside a deep gash in Walters chest." (Davis 60)

"Ashley poked the needle into Walter's artery and began stitching around it. Apparently the Vacant's spear had sliced through it, and now she had to splice the loose ends together." (Davis 61)

When Walter and Billy were going to the summit of Mt. Elijah they ran into some Vacants(creatures from Second Eden.) and while they were fighting them off, a Vacant stuck a spear into Walter's chest. That injury cut through some of his veins and arterys and nearly cut through his lung. Ashley and Steadfast (Second Eden's two doctors) were trying to stitch them back together so that Walter will not loose more blood and die.

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